PIZZycle returnable pizza boxes

PIZZycle returnable pizza boxes


Move into the future of returnable packaging with these world-first returnable pizza boxes.

The clever design includes two identical pieces that create a top and bottom, interlocking to secure the product. Vents to ensure the pizza arrives fresh to the table.

Made in BPA-free mono-polymer, Polypropylene, ensuring an acceptable recycling pathway once the container passes to end-of-use. Certified by FDA and EU standards for food safety.

The inside dimensions are 330mm in diameter and 44mm in height.

Off-the-shelf purchases are limited to colours Dough, Olive, Raspberry and Red Wine.

Full customisation, including branding, is available. Purchases will be subject to MOQs and shipping.

$26 unit price is indicative. Shipping and bulk discounts may apply. Please enquire for custom pricing.

Custom item. Please enquire.
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